2018 Law Firm 500 Winning Firm
Easley Appellate Practice
Licensed since 1994, Easley Appellate Practice has established itself as a top-rated, award-winning premiere all-Board-Certified appellate law firm. Concentrations include: federal and Florida appeals, particularly business law, family law, contracts, intellectually property and trademark law, and employment and business torts.EAP’s founder has been recognized with multiple other prestigious accolades for high legal abilities and ethics, including: Rue Ratings’ Best Attorneys of America, Expert Network Distinguished© Lawyer, National Association of Distinguished Counsel Top One Percent, Florida’s Family Law “10 Best” by the American Institute of Family Law Attorneys, the Register of Preeminent Lawyers in the United States, and 2017 Power Attorneys®. Easley is certified by The Florida Bar as an “appellate expert” and “appellate specialist”. Easley is admitted to practice in every Federal Appellate Court in the nation, the US Supreme Court, all Florida Appellate Courts, and the Florida Supreme Court. The Florida Bar has also recognized Easley for Excellence in the Promotion of Board Certification. EAP’s founder is also the nationally recognized author of the appellate treatise, Successful Federal Appeals in All Circuit Courts: A Practical Guide for Busy Lawyers. This unique federal appellate treatise serves as a primary resource for attorneys handling appeals in federal appellate courts nationwide.

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