2018 Law Firm 500 Winning Firm
Watson LLP
Watson LLP is a boutique law firm from top to bottom that keeps the consumer of legal services in mind at every stage of our legal engagements. We follow the Sundown Rule, religiously. Simply put, no matter how late in the business day our clients or prospective clients contact us, we respond. We provide budgets for our legal services. In every engagement, we outline all estimated costs and fees for our services, to help our clients better understand the financial commitment it will take to resolve their issues. We learn our clients’ businesses, inside out. We would be remiss if we attempted to provide legal advice to our clients without fully understanding both their business and business objectives; therefore, we take it upon ourselves to learn our clients’ businesses in order to put their legal needs into perspective. We are service oriented. We fully embrace technology. We recognize that the practice law, like all industries, continually evolves. When innovation moves the world, our firm moves with it. We use the most current legal software and apps to seamlessly manage our practice. We collaborate. We designed our own case management platform to keep our clients connected to the progress of their legal matters, in real time.

Law Firm 500 is awarded to the Fastest Growing Law Firms in the US. For more information visit https://lawfirm500.com