Media Kit
Spread the news about your firm’s accomplishment of winning the Law Firm 500 Award for one of the Fastest Growing Law Firms in the United States.
Leveraging your win will help generate more exposure – more credibility – and more recognition for your firm which leads to … more business.
Here are some templates in the form of files and images that you can customize for your individual firm and distribute through online and offline channels.
Adding the Law Firm 500 Honoree Seal to all of your marketing and promotional channels both online and offline will give your firm credibility.
Post on your website, at the bottom of your email signature, integrate into your social media cover photos and for the 30 days even use it as your profile photo.
Incorporate the Law Firm 500 Honoree Seal onto your collateral materials like business card, letterhead and brochures to add credibility.
Add a team photo to personalize the post along with the Honoree Seal image to show off your Award.
Blog Roll: Customize and add keywords about your firm’s services and location to boost your Search Engine Rankings.
eNewsletter: Customize and use it as an article for your newsletter. Send out to member organizations – they’re always looking for website, newsletter and print magazine content.
Text and Images: Tweak the samples and post across ALL of your social media platforms – LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Be sure to tag @lawfirm500
Video: Record a 30-60 second video on your smartphone and post it across your platforms. It can be as simple as thanking your clients and partners … and staff for helping your firm win the Law Firm 500 Award – XYZ firm is the XX# fastest growing law firm in the united states. Have staffers cheer in the background.
The social media images are conveniently embedded in the document for you to use. Or if you prefer, click on the images below and save as:
Alter the press release to make it your own incorporating keywords for your firm’s services.
Individual Distribution: Customize and send a personal email your release to a handful of journalists, business and member organizations in your immediate community. Be sure to follow up by phone.
Clients and Partners: Thank them for their support in helping you achieve this important status – highlighting that happy lawyers lead to happy clients. It will reinforce that they made the right choice in hiring your firm initially and place the seed that you will be first in mind if they need your type of services in the future.
Prospects: Customize and send the announcement email to potential clients to enhance your firm’s reputation and put you first in mind when choosing a firm.
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