How to Start a Law Firm (part 2)

Warnings: If you're reading this and you're a lawyer I'm going to assume you're a pretty smart person and you want to be successful. So I'm going to skip the usual and obvious warnings here. Instead, the biggest danger to look out for is advice from other lawyers.

How to Start a Law Firm

Did you know that according to ABA statistics nearly 60% of lawyers in the US are actually solo practitioners? And that's not a recent statistic. The fact of the matter is that the face of the most successful lawyers in the US has always been a solo practitioner.

RJon's Formula For Calculating Precisely How Much More Money You Could Be Making From Your Small Law Firm

How To Calculate Precisely How Much More Money You Could Be Earning From Your Solo or Small Law Firm: A simple mathematical formula.

Write your law firm a 10% revenue bump

A couple of hours, a few pieces of paper, a little ink and some studied attention from the owner of the firm. That's all it will take to bump the revenues of most small law firms by 10%.

How Small Law Firms Can Profit By Helping Larger Law Firms

Caroline Elefant over at My Shingle recently posted a discussion…

Do You Want To Be A More Profitable, Ethical & Professional Lawyer?

Note: This is a recycled article I said I'd post in response