This event is unlike any other.
A live, virtual, deep-dive day-long training where you will get the very best, tested and proven strategies to grow your law firm rapidly and predictably year after year!
Keep reading to discover how you can easily implement the strategies and systems you need to automate your growth, protect your firm and be on the winning side of the wealth transfer that’s coming our way!

From the Desk of Law Firm 500 Founder and Executive Sponsor, RJon Robins:
Dear Law Firm Owner,
I hope this letter finds you healthy, happy and thriving.
What a year it’s been!
And while we could spend this time commiserating on how crazy everything is, I’d like to instead point something out that may be a bit triggering to you.
You see I am the founder of Law Firm 500 and How to Manage A Small Law Firm. At HTM, we act as fractional CEO, COO and CFO to more than 400 small law firm owners across the country and outside of it.
I started Law Firm 500 because after more than a decade of working with small law firm owners and watching them work diligently to completely transform their lives and the lives of their families, I wanted to honor them with the recognition they deserved.
The Law Firm 500 list is open to ALL law firm owners across the country, and many of How to Manage A Small Law Firm’s members apply and are accepted to the Law Firm 500 List because they implement what we teach them and it WORKS. They grow! And they grow at such a rapid rate that they are then eligible to be awarded the distinction of one of the fastest growing law firms in the country.
That did not change in 2020.

While our members were of course inconvenienced in their day to day living like everyone else, they were NOT financially impacted by the Pandemic and the subsequent economic spiral.
In fact, most of our members reported their highest revenue months EVER in the height of the pandemic!
Take a look at this short video clip of law firm owners, who are all HTM members AND Law Firm 500 nominees, sharing their biggest revenue wins.

You might be wondering how that’s even possible.
Well it’s possible because we teach them strategies and systems that can withstand any storm and we teach them how to pivot those systems when necessary to meet new demands in the market. And it WORKS.
It all stems from an unwavering belief in one’s ability to control one’s own destiny by establishing what I feel is the biggest safety set you can have to protect yourself, your firm and your family-
You see the world around you is dynamic and unpredictable. Always has been, always will be.
And without the proper systems in place to build a strong personal economy, your firm, your income and your family’s security will always be at the mercy of everything that is going on around you.
Now, as a lawyer, a law firm owner and a leader of your staff and family, I can’t imagine that that’s ok with you. I can’t imagine you’re willing to sit back and just see what happens to you.
Am I right?
The reality is, it doesn’t matter where you are now, or how long you’ve been at this, there is a predictable, repeatable path to growing a 6, 7 and even an 8 figure law firm.
You’ve just got learn how to put the right steps in the right order and to PLAN for PROFIT with recession-proof growth tactics that keep you on an upward trajectory no matter what’s happening around you.
This repeatable path works no matter where you live, no matter what area of law you practice, no matter what kind of revenue you’re starting out with.
Would you like that kind of safety net for your firm and your family?
If so, I’ve got a seat saved for you at
The 2020 Law Firm 500 Virtual Conference
One Game-Changing Day PACKED With The Most Powerful Pandemic Response Strategies You Need to Know & Implement NOW to Set Yourself Up for Growth & Freedom in 2021!

“How is that even possible? There are SO many things to think about when you’re running a law firm!!?!”
Actually there isn’t. It only feels that way because up until now, you’ve been doing it the hard way.
But there are really only 7 parts to a profitable law firm and we are going to teach you exactly what they are during this event.
Can you imagine letting go of all of the unnecessary things you’re trying to manage and juggle and figure out and focus on just 7 parts?
I can promise you that one of the most common things we hear from law firm owners after they attend a Law Firm 500 event is “I cannot believe I was making it so hard for so long!”
Well don’t beat yourself up. Law school didn’t teach you anything about how to grow a business and that is why we have structured this event to include the curriculum that law schools SHOULD teach!
How to make money and live the life you want to live WITHOUT becoming a slave to your own firm!
Here’s a taste of what you’ll get during this extraordinary full-day event:
Three Law Firm 500 Winners are going to pull back the curtain and share the pandemic pivots they made that helped them grow exponentially during 2020 and have set them up to continue growing in 2021.
It’s not often that law firm owners will hand you their profit strategies. But that’s how we roll here. We believe that iron sharpens iron and that when one of us wins, we all win.
You are going to hear each speaker share the #1 strategy that moved the needle for them and kept their firm thriving through the pandemic, and set up to continue growing in 2021!
They have been asked to hold nothing back and will be sharing what they did, what they STOPPED doing, and the most important thing YOU can do right now to set yourself up for solid, rapid, predictable growth.


Discover what the 7 Main Parts of a law firm are and the tactical strategies you must have in place to build a sustainable seven-figure law business. These are the pandemic response strategies that we have been teaching our members for years, and they are the same strategies that proved to be totally recession- proof as many of our members reported their highest revenue months DURING the pandemic.
That said, none of us knows if we are out of the woods yet or when the next curve ball will be thrown. You’ve got to get these 7 parts running like clockwork to secure your income and set yourself up to dominate in 2021.
Two more Law Firm 500 winners are going to teach you two ready-to-implement strategies that made the different between having an average growing law firm (less than 5% revenue growth per year) and a fast growing firm that made the Law Firm 500 Awards List!


Listen in on an in-depth, honest interview of some of the fastest growing law firms in the country.
They’ll be sharing the good, bad and the ugly truth of building a law firm from nothing to multiple seven figures of revenue. What you’ll notice is that in each case, growth required a hard look at the 7 parts of their operations. Aligning these 7 parts is how you protect your personal economy and keep it flush no matter what’s happening in the global economy around you.
None of these people panicked when the pandemic hit. They were prepared with a written plan that supported their goals, protected them from cash crunches and outlined the policies and procedures they needed to pivot their firms to a virtual model. While their competitors panicked and ran scared, they were able to take the advice we gave them and the business model we taught them and make a seamless transition that resulted in massive growth.
Join us in celebrating the law firms who qualified for the 2020 Law Firm 500 Winner’s List! Growing a successful law firm is no easy task, and keeping the momentum going over 3 years (in some cases many more) deserves to be recognized!
Not only that, but we will be giving away prizes throughout the day, all created to help you grow your firm.

We will be choosing people at random to win these amazing prizes!!!
- 3rd Prize: $250 Staples Gift Card to outfit your office
- 2nd Prize: A website review with our award-winning copy writer. Your entire site will be swept and scored with our 7-point site audit system meant to help you maximize your conversion and attract prospects on demand!
- 1st Prize: A VIP video session with How to Manage a Small Law Firm’s Video guru Jimbo Marshall, a long-time video pro who has produced hundreds of videos and documentaries for the Discovery Channel, major companies and top entrepreneurs. You’ll get to create one money-making marketing video with Jimbo as your director AND work through a plan to use that video in your marketing campaign. This is a massive value! Video SELLS and we are very lucky that Jimbo agreed to make time on his calendar for this!

PLUS! One grand prize winner will win admission for two to exclusive members only LIVE QUARTERLY MEETING in Atlanta in January 2021!
Normally our Live Quarterly Meetings are kept top secret and reserved for paying members only. But one lucky law firm owner will get VIP access to attend the entire meeting-
Our Live Quarterly Meetings are epic weekend events that blend in-depth business strategy, bonus break-out trainings, personal development workshops and even family fun.

At the end of this day, you are going to walk away knowing exactly what you need to do to lead your firm into a new phase of rapid revenue growth, complete with strategies, tools and mind-blowing management shifts to give you a massive edge over your competition!
I know what you’re thinking. A full day of intensive training from How to Manage A Small Law Firm is probably at least $2000. And you would be right. But not this time.
Not only is your investment for this full day event only $47, but we are donating 100% of your investment to Feeding America.
Feeding America is the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization. Their network of food banks, pantries and meal programs serve virtually every community in the United States — 40 million people, including 12 million children and 7 million seniors. And those numbers only climbed during the tough months of the pandemic. With the holidays fast-approaching, we felt it was the perfect time to support this worthy cause and with your help, we can provide thousands of meals for needy families between now and the end of the year!
Feeding America will be using YOUR $47 investment to feed thousands of hungry families over the holiday season.
We can’t make this a better deal than that!
But you’ve got to act fast.
Our goal is to raise $10,000 for families in need. That means we have room for 250 law firm owners who are serious about GROWTH and about giving back.
This is for you if you are tired of struggling, refuse to be a victim of a roller-coaster economy and are ready to LEAD and GROW.
Will you join us?
Hurry! Grab your ticket to the Law Firm 500 Virtual Conference for $47 by MIDNIGHT FRIDAY, not only will you learn How To Make Your Law Firm Recession-Proof, but you will get FULL access to the recordings of HTM’s exclusive members-only Live Quarterly Meeting Course How to Sell Like a Rock Star! And you’ll be helping families in need this holiday season because 100% of your $47 purchase will be donated to Feeding America and helping us reach our goal of donating $10,000.
Virtual Event e-Ticket
Full access to the all day Virtual Conference on December 5th
PRICE………………… $47
Listen to what a few of our past Law Firm 500 award recipients and conference attendees have to say:

“Law Firm 500 brings together the most innovative, creative, open-minded entrepreneurs who happen to be attorneys”
– Sara Khaki, Atlanta Divorce Law Group
“By attending this conference in the past, I’ve learned so much about improving my firm’s systems, increasing the value that I provide for my clients, and how to allow my firm to work for me. Most importantly, I learned how I could help my clients while building a profitable law firm and still being a HAPPY LAWYER.”
– Miriam Lacroix, Lacroix Ramos, LLP

“Law Firm 500 is THE best legal conference I attend to learn about making my law firm more profitable. This is my third year attending. You don’t have to receive an award to take-away a ton of value.”
– Barry P. Goldberg, Goldberg Law
“The content delivered during the days was something that I had not been exposed to before, which allowed me to look at the way I had been marketing and growing the firm before differently. I also learned some wonderful ways to enhance and really optimize my practice. So overall, it was a wonderful experience and I got to meet some amazing lawyers who are interested in growing their law firms and becoming better, more effective leaders and business owners.”
– Heather Quick, Florida Women’s Law Group

These people did not just get lucky.
They are no smarter than you.
They simply took action on the SAME strategies we are teaching at this event. So if you are serious about growing your law firm and taking control of your own personal economy, and therefore, taking control of your own destiny, you do not want to miss this event!
The reason I say this is unlike any other event is because we are not going to waste time with fluff and filler content.
The entire event was designed to be highly relevant, action-oriented training that you can apply right away to your firm.
One of the biggest mistakes we see law firm owners making is they pick and choose what problems to solve. They pick and choose what changes to implement.
All that does is ensure that the problems you don’t address get bigger and bigger while they are waiting for their turn!
This event is where everything you need to know to get your firm running like a well-oiled machine comes together in one place. No more guessing. No more winging it. No more “wait and see” tactics that leave you vulnerable when shit hits the fan.
Hope to see you there,
Best Regards,