Nothing Sells Like A Magic Statement

"So... what do you for a living?" I think we're all familiar with that question. But if you answered with "I'm a _________ attorney". You're already doing it wrong.

Kite Surfing, and becoming a first time Million-Dollar Law Firm Owner.

It takes time, practice, and guidance to master a new skill, whether in business or out on a beach. You didn’t learn how to run a business in law school, so owning and growing your law firm is a new skill you are learning to master.

How to Network Strategically and Get More Referrals

Watch as RJon Robins explains how to effectively network and how networking is one of your most powerful marketing tools.
small law firm financial metrics

How To Begin Measuring The Right Law Firm Financial Metrics To Improve Profitability

RJon Robins gives a detailed description as to what financial reports your firm should have and the staff requirements to get those reports. Watch Now!

Networking That Doesn’t Suck: Four Steps to More Profitable Networking

Lots of lawyers think that networking is a waste of time. And it IS a waste of time for many of them. But not because networking isn’t a great way to develop business. (It is.)

Don’t Set Yourself Up to Fail: Five Signs That Your Factory Can’t Keep Up With Your Marketing and Sales

Many of you know that there are seven “Main Parts” of your law business. Building a seven-figure business requires that you have all seven of these Main Parts working together in synergy. When everything is working together properly, it’s a beautiful thing.

Three Reasons Most Solo Lawyers Never Create a Plan for their Small Law Firm (And Why This is a Recipe for Disaster)

Running a law firm – or any business – without a business plan is setting yourself up for disaster.


Fear It's what screws things up for most lawyers who aren't as happy with their law firms or their lives as they could be. And fear has an ugly way of growing into frustration, resentment, defensiveness, anger and worst-of-all the twin-devils: Justification & Compromise.

...sooner or later you sleep in your own space.

"We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality" - Ayn Rand What are the inevitable consequences of your current growth trajectory? Hopefully the inevitable consequences are that you're going to be doing GREAT! If that's you I would encourage you to investigate our "Find Your Freedom" coaching program, or even our "Play A Bigger Game" group may be just what you've been looking for.